Saturday, June 18, 2011

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  • nixstor
    07-05 11:52 AM
    People are voting, but do not want to voice their opinion on why this should be a paid site or not. Did I say anything wrong about paid subscriptions? Those who are voting "NO", Can you enlighten me why a wesbite that we hang on to every day for atleast one hour should be FREE? Why should so much of energy go waste all the time running funding drives? Why does a Murthy or Rajiv's 15 min consultation has to be 225USD and IV's community knowledge leveraged for not even peanuts?

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  • ramus
    07-04 05:53 PM
    Please send email to core members or PM them or give them a call for more info on this...

    I understand you have concers about fund drive. While you get your answer can you please follow other action item and spend little time on media drive/writing your story...

    Hope you do it soon..

    Thanks a lot..

    I see that you have changed the title to " contribute funds for continued advocacy efforts" from "contribute funds for Lawsuit"

    Does that mean the fund drive was not really to fund expensive lawsuit!!

    And still nobody has answered the original questions raised by other members about how IV is going to complemnt AILF in lawsuit with fund drive.

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  • virginian99
    06-13 01:05 PM
    Looks like Cirus is comming back. we should plan for our EB provisions...

    Sens. McConnell & Lott on verge of passing amnesty -- unless you get in their way

    THE U.S. HOUSE TODAY is dealing with many important immigration matters as it amends the Department of Homeland Security appropriations bill. Your NumbersUSA Capitol Hill Team is following this closely. You can follow all amendments and votes on our special VOTE DAY page. We update at least by the hour. If you see something you want to support or oppose, don't hesitate to call your U.S. Rep.

    TO BEST FIGHT THE SENATE AMNESTY, read Rosemary Jenks' short summary of all the key elements of the S. 1348 Bush/Kennedy amnesty bill as introduced. Scroll down to BACKGROUND INFORMATION.

    Read short descriptions of all amendments the Senate has already passed to modify the bill. Scroll down to FINISHED VOTES.


    I regret to tell you that our victory of last Thursday night has eroded to almost nothing by this morning.

    Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and Senate Republican Whip Trent Lott of Mississippi have succeeded in twisting nearly enough GOP arms to assure Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) that they can deliver the votes to pass his S. 1348 amnesty for 12-20 million illegal aliens.

    Here is the pitch that McConnell and Lott are said to be using -- and the pitch that only you can persuade Republican Senators to reject:

    Lawmakers are being told that they must agree to vote for cloture on the amnesty in exchange for a chance to have some favorite amendments brought up OR they will lose a chance to "sit at the table" in final fashioning of this bill.

    A senior GOP leadership aide confirmed that anti-amnesty Republicans are being told by Party leadership that they “need to get on board if they want to remain relevant.”

    I have some actions related to Democratic Senators that I'll detail further in this email. But our most urgent work today is with GOP Senators.



    (If you live in Mississippi and Kentucky, I've already sent you your action opportunities. You have to take responsibility for the two Senators who at this moment are competing for the title of America's No. 1 and No. 2 Enemy. I am sending this alert to you so you have the additional information that is in it.)


    Call their offices and tell them you have heard of the 'take-it-or-leave-it' deal they are being offered and that your advice is:

    "Refuse a Seat at The Table If All They're Serving Is Rancid Mush."

    Tell them that permanently legalizing 12-20 million illegal aliens and giving them permanent access to our jobs is a dish not worth fussing over. No amount of seasoning or ingredient changing can make this dish palatable to the voters of your state.

    Any amendment that would truly protect Americans would be killed by the Bush/Kennedy coalition.

    No matter how many amendments are allowed for votes, the end result bill will be terrible -- maybe slightly less terrible than now, but still terrible. There is no point in trading away a YES vote on cloture for the chance to offer an amendment.

    You must make it clear to every one of these Senators that they will be made to pay politically over and over the next year (maybe their whole careers) for a YES vote if this bill comes up again on cloture.

    Remind them that Sen. McCain has seen his front-runner status in the Presidential primary race plummet because of his highly public support for this bill.

    Why would any of these Senators want to carry around that same kind of baggage?

    And tell your Senators that they have all the "relevance" they need by being the representative or your state in the U.S. Senate. They don't need George Bush or Karl Rove to give them relevance, especially if relevance has to come at the expense of principle.


    Yet more news media polls are being released purporting to show that the majority of the public supports this Senate amnesty bill. The big use of these polls by reporters and open-borders advocates is to supposedly prove that all of your phone calls are just a loud-mouthed minority.

    The fact is that nearly all the media polls fail to offer people the choice of Attrition Through Enforcement.

    When Americans are offered a choice between legalization, attrition or mass deportations, most Americans choose attrition. And an overhwelming portion choose either attrition or mass deportation.

    You can find great backing of what I just said by going to our web page on polls.

    OUR ARMY IS GROWING -- Let's Hold Back Disaster While We Recruit Another Army of Reinforcements

    I hope you feel encouraged to know that another 4,081 Americans registered with NumbersUSA and immediately began faxing and phoning -- that was just yesterday, one day.

    Day after day, the word is getting out. More and more Americans understand that they must take real action if they are to save their American quality of life.

    We started the year with around 250,000 activist members. Barely a month ago, we hit the big 300,000 milestone. It looks like we will hit the 400,000 mark tomorrow!

    In addition, we have a total email list of more than 1.5 million now.

    Unfortunately, not everybody who connects, becomes a direct activist with us (although we assume they are having some influence among their friends and colleagues). And not all who register as activist members respond regularly to our Alerts. We know we probably need to have 2 million activist members to ensure that 500,000 are acting at any point. This is true of any organization. But we appreciate every one of you for whatever you are able to do. It all adds up to something strong.

    Numbers of faxes you ordered the last two days:
    Tuesday -- 89,776 faxes
    Monday -- 61,647 faxes


    It is imperative that we hold onto at least 9 of the 12 Democratic and Independent NO votes we got last Thursday on the cloture vote.

    Phone these offices and urge them not to be taken in by the Republican leadership's pandering to Big Business lobbyists who are demanding to keep employing their 7-million-plus illegal workers and are demanding an amnesty for all the lawbreaking by the outlaw companies in the past.

    Tell these Democrats that they are standing with the American workers on this and should be proud of their principled stand against Pres. Bush's dream of globalizing the American labor force.

    (* Up for re-election in 2008)

    * Baucus (D-Mont.)
    Bingaman (D-NM)
    Boxer (D-Calif.)
    Byrd (D-WV)
    Dorgan (D-ND)
    * Landrieu (D-La.)
    McCaskill (D-Mo.)
    * Pryor (D-Ark.)
    * Rockefeller(D-WV)
    Sanders (I-Vt.)
    Tester (D-Mont.)
    Webb (D-Va.)


    Last week, 45 Senators voted for cloture. It takes 60 votes for cloture to pass, thus ending a filibuster and allowing a final vote, which at this time would require at most 50 votes to pass.

    The pro-amnesty Bush/Kennedy coalition has to persuade 15 Senators who voted NO last week to switch to YES if the cloture vote comes up again.

    The only thing that can keep that from happening is an even larger outpouring of phone calls, faxes and local demonstrations at Senate offices, etc.

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  • delax
    07-13 11:17 AM
    Was she sleeping all this while. Why did it take her 2 weeks to respond to the events that occured ? Looks like everyone wants a piggy back ride.:D

    We know your selfish intentions !!:eek:

    And has your lawyer sent a letter - if not, why is he/she still waiting to do so. Did you exhort her to do so. Will you exclude yourself from any AILF lawsuit benefit.

    You are missing the forest for the trees friend - Its not one agianst the other. Focus on the objective.


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  • sprajulu
    07-01 04:11 PM
    We all should request politely to end this country specific reservations.

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  • yabayaba
    08-11 02:23 PM
    Also Could me in..


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  • amitjoey
    01-18 12:32 PM

    This is what I found from other web site when I tried to get more membership to IV. These are the comments I received for the IV. How can we make people aware of our good faith effort. This is another road block we are facing. Many people will not believe that our efforts in full good faith. IV needs to put more emphasis on these issues also.

    Just opinions.


    Every time you stand out of the crowds, you will have to bear rotten eggs and tomatoes. This is no different. Anytime you do the right thing, there will be critics. Remember all of the people out there (Anti-Immigrants) who do not want IV to succeed.

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  • psam
    07-03 10:11 AM
    2) When there is no per country quota in H1B visas, do you think it is fair to have it in EB visas?

    There is no reason to mention H1B in this context. Its not going to help GC seekers or H1B seekers.


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  • moonrah
    07-01 10:32 PM
    Online petition is a great idea. But what will it accomplish?? Ultimately all those questions have to addressed in the form of a bill and that needs to be passed in the Congress. Is it a coincidence, we already have a bill HR5921 addressing those questions raised by OP All we need to do is channel our energy to make this bill along with the other Rep. Lofgren bills a success.

    IV is already raising all those questions mentioned in the petition with the lawmakers. So what is new in this petition?

    Even after thousands of calls, what if they don't pass the bill? I am not pessimistic but I want to have this pass desparately. Lets think about all the possibilities and have solutions or atleast plan for all of those. Just think about this, if someone files a lawsuit on us, we will be sweating and running here and there even though we know we are gonna win. lawsuit will make them think, make them spend money. Trust me nobody wants to go through that husstle. And if we win, they have no way but do something about per country quota limit whether congress passes the bill or not. On the downside, if we loose, they can worsen the situation for us in which case they have to face anger from business community and during election season, goverment wouldn't like to do that.

    All I am saying is if we have a case we should pursue it. Otherwise there is no point of fighting loosing battle.

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  • gsc999
    04-21 10:49 PM
    I stayed till 6:30 p.m. and got an opportunity to briefly talk about Immigration Voice and commended his initiative on solving this issue.

    Here is my take:
    - Lot of IV members showed up, around 50. Please correct me if I get that right.
    - Per my understanding Gutierrez came to CA, even though he is from Illinois to seek and reinforce support from California representatives, since CA is the swing state as far as immigration is concerned. Legal as well as undocumented.
    - A lot of Latino origin people showed up. Well, no surprises there. Most of STRIVE does deal with undocumented immigration. Infact, it might be better that way. We keep low public profile but hard and strong lobbying.
    - I asked Rep. Gutierrez if STRIVE bill had enough Republican support to pass the House. He mentioned that he is working to do that.He wants us to contact Republicans reps., not just the Democrats.
    - It was good learning experience. I wasn't expecting a structured Q&A session. A suggestion: It would be great if we can trash out a strategy among ourselves and designate a spokesperson.
    - I gave a brief interview video interview to the office of a State Senator from Sacramento. I mentioned about IV and our goals.
    - It did looked like a Spanish affair but it is our preogative to speak up.


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  • alisa
    01-21 11:13 AM
    Assuming everyone stays the course, under these timelines

    1. At least 5% of applicants will be sponsored by their American children.
    2. Another 5% will have their first million and move to the investor's category.

    The timelines would be a maximum of 20 years or so, at which point people would be sponsored by their children.

    Ok. So thats a 10 percent decrease in accumulation rate.
    Lets add another 10 percent decrease to that. These will be 10 percent that commit suicide, suffer a lay-off, or just pack up and go back.
    So, the accumulation rate decreases to 15600, the initial backlogs from 2001, and 2002 also decreased to 80 percent their currently assumed values. Following are the results. Good news. Wait time decreases. Bad news, you still have to send your dependents back as we are not counting them.

    The timelines are now less than 20 years.

    For India. (ROW wait times are less than 5-10 years anyway according to this model)

    YApp YC(New) YC(Old)
    2001 2011 2013
    2002 2015 2018
    2003 2016 2020
    2004 2018 2022
    2005 2020 2024
    2006 2021 2026
    2007 2023 2028
    2008 2024 2030
    2009 2026 2032
    2010 2027 2034

    In anycase, there is a point to this exercise.

    I don't want to pull numbers out of my ass. I want to make a good faith effort in estimating what the wait times would be with things being the way they are. A reasonable model should show that for Indians, the situation is hopeless. For others, the situation is painful. The current model shows that. I just want to give this some time, and get the best feedback and incorporate that in it.

    Maybe, then I will be able to convince people (especially from India) to get active, and stop being ignoramuses asking innocently 'Oh! Is the situation really that bad?'

    If anyone has any ideas on modelling EB-2 vs EB-3 for India, that would also be helpful. Given some data, simple math should give us good enough estimates.

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  • alterego
    09-17 10:37 PM
    This is no doubt a bad time for the US economy. However the world is not going to collapse. We will nearly certainly see a recession. Outside chance of a depression. The credit markets are frozen, confidence has been shaken, housing is searching for a bottom, unemployment has ticked up a percentage point so far, and the stock market is down about 20%.

    However, put that in the context of the great depression in the late 20s and into the early 30s. 25% unemployment, Widespread bank failures with no FDIC insurance, Many companies collapsed and people lost their life savings just by keeping it in the bank, Stock markets down by nearly 90%, people died of starvation! Yeah those things happened in this country. In fact, many observers attribute that experience for the extremely frugal nature of the elderly in this country, the so called great generation. Perhaps this will change current US attitudes away from consumption and toward savings. Perhaps entitlement reform will be fast tracked. We shall see.

    Things are bad. Structural changes are needed. The war must be ended and the resources redirected. Americans also need to adjust to the new realities in a globalizing world some of which are not particularly appealing.
    However also remember, the US has many geo-political advantages, control of a massive amount of natural resources, still the best R&D, an advanced industrial base, well developed infrastructure, and despite the current wall street mess no currency seems imminently capable of replacing the US dollar as the global reserve currency (hence giving the Federal reserve the enormous power of the printing press). Note that not a single currency has appreciated more than 5% viz a vie during this crisis. In fact Gold has outperformed all! Quite simply noone believes another economy is ready at this time.

    Hopefully the job market will not get too messy. The market will bottom in the next 6 months or so, once their is a complete clean out of the balance sheets. We are probably past the half way point in this. Exactly when it ends noone knows however.

    If you have savings consider putting it in blue chip consumer staples, when you feel there is a bottom in stocks. Diversify internationally, Consider letting your wife go on a gold buying binge............:).

    Quit worrying, this too shall pass. This downturn will be longer than recent ones however. Might be measured in terms of a few years rather than months.


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  • nixstor
    10-15 05:13 PM
    So if I need a copy of my LCA/I-140, and I file a FOIA request, does that go in a different queue ?

    You need your LCA you file FOIA with Department of Labor. NOT USCIS

    There are many threads that discuss how to file FOIA to get LCA/Job Description on your permanent labor certification. Please search the forums. Lets NOT digress from the main topic here.

    You need your original I-140 application filed on your behalf. File form G-884 with USCIS.

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  • pitha
    07-13 09:03 PM
    I dont know her intentions but she is helping our cause. If you want to vent your anger, there is USCIS and DOS

    This is just a stunt. WHy did she wait allthese days to write this letter. Now when everything falls in place by others efforts, she wants people to think it is because her effort all these things are happening. I hate murthy or your murfhy.


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  • feedfront
    09-17 03:37 PM
    When they issue RFE, does the case status online shows Card/Document production?.

    My online status still shows 'Request For Evidence'. In one way, it is less disturbing than yours. Good Luck!

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  • mariner5555
    03-04 05:27 AM
    Instead of criticizing the idea, please submit your votes!
    Only 300 odd people sent flowers to the USCIS and we know it worked. This site has a lot of one time visitors so don't expect 25000 votes, but it does not mean this idea is crappy. Heck, I want to buy a house myself, but I cannot even think about borrowing 300k+ when I may be asked to leave the country on a day's notice (remember no time between jobs when you are on H1B).
    I agree with the above !! an idea is like a spark ..once one media picks this up others will follow and you never know what it leads to. opposing an idea is Worse than doing nothing. BTW the way things are going ...GC may soon lose its grand appeal (it will still be in huge demand though ). the following article is a must read - if you have few minutes to spare --written by prominent economist. maybe a worst case scenario --but as scary as a horror movie D60F87DA734B7%7D&dist=MostReadHome


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  • nixstor
    07-03 12:26 PM
    I admit, it seems discriminatory to say you can't get your GC now because you're from this country or that country but these "high volume" countries have created the current back log through their sheer numbers and sometimes multiple applications, not the system. The system is fair to ALL and for some group to say that it isn't fair because all of that group isn't getting what they want is unjust to the rest of us. I knew I would be pounced upon when I submitted my original post and it only proves my point of personal agendas; sometimes I wonder what the "I" in "IV" really stands for? Don't be so arrogant as to believe that your higher education should give you more rights than others - that doesn't fly with me! I am frustrated with this forum because of this arrogance and I may not visit too much longer!

    I do have one question for all of you who are in favor of eliminating the per country limit; do you support an eventual road to citizenship for the large group of people who dominate the "other side" of immigration? If you don't, some may think you hipocritical to want the rules changed for yourselves!

    Sheer number of applications from the high volume countries has created the backlog?? Are you saying/wishing that these people should not have come in the first place to avoid the backlog?? My friend, backlogs did not happen completely because of the sheer number of applications and gaming. Backlogs happened primarily because of wasted visa numbers and issues surrounding it. If there was no visa number wastage the priority dates would have been around 2-3 years behind as opposed to 7 or 8 years. There are gamers in every system. If a system does not work for people as it is supposed to, gamers do so to get out of the system. Not that IV condones such things but it happens in any system, when the system is broken.

    The I in IV definitely does not stand for me only or for any one only. I along with V only makes sense. I by itself does not get IV any where.

    So removing the per country limit would remove the "bias" off these countries and move it to the ones with lower populations; so, in essence the discrimination would be reversed?

    On one hand you are saying that there is a bias towards lower population countries now and you are ok with it, just because you happen to benefit from it. Is that what you mean?

    If retrogressed countries are asking for 75% of the numbers reserved to them rather than having one line for all, You have a good point in saying that the bias is shifting towards retrogressed countries. There is no such provision like that. The provision creates one line depending on when you entered the line. You enter the line ahead, you get it first.

    So keeping the limits intact is NOT a bias to you? You can't have it both ways. What do you think is a solution? The point system you referred to came with the same 10% limit on the retrogressed countries. What difference does it make to a retrogressed person with 96 out of 100 points, but still needs to wait for 4 years, while some one from Krakozhia walks away in 6 months with 60 points. B T W , you also said that higher education deserves more does not fly with you. I am not sure how you want points to be assigned, other than education and experience. Don't let the fear and protectionist thought take over the logical and rational thought.

    The "other side" of immigration is an entirely different topic. Their issues and our issues, their path to the end line and ours are entirely different. We can't simply compare apples and oranges and call people hypocrites. That said, I personally support it and feel that it will happen at some point depending on the majority in both houses and one party will suffer for the decisions it made. As a by stander, I sympathize with the situation the "other side" has been in. I have a full plate to work on.

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  • axp817
    05-26 07:12 PM
    Entire state of NH is within 100 miles of Canada.

    No it isn't. :p,+nh+to+colebrook,+nh&sll=44.531759,-71.30127&sspn=1.969612,4.921875&ie=UTF8&ll=43.893934,-71.806641&spn=1.991056,4.921875&z=8&saddr=keene,+nh&daddr=colebrook,+nh

    The White mountain area probably is within a 100 miles of Canada though.

    Jokes aside,
    I read a similar rant on IV a few years ago, that was when I learned about this rule/law/requirement (immigrants required to carry immigration documents on them).

    These days, I don't ever leave home without my EAD card, if I am going anywhere within driving distance of where I live. If I fly, I usually carry my passport as well (not sure if that is any good since I am on AOS exclusively, but I do).

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  • jay75
    08-15 08:10 PM
    Sept Bulletin out -

    I'm unable to understand well why EB3 is "U". :mad:

    Friends, please share your thoughts. Let us discuss.........

    06-06 10:56 PM
    Mine is similar to you case, PD- Jan 23 2004, RD July 23 2007, ND Aug 24 2008

    Do feel they go by processing times striclty?

    If the case is straight forward they go by processing times and receipt date.

    09-28 05:34 PM
    Entitlement due to Master's degree from US, Consultants vs FTE, Desi company consultants vs American company consultants etc.

    I am one who has got a Master's degree in the US. I want to mention that because that I am proud of that. Just like Immigration Voice is stressing the fact that it is for legal immigrants only, not the illegal ones.

    Anyone who has something to be proud of would want to mention it. Americans like to say "proud to be an American" for the same reason.

    Besides, having finished a graduate degree program in the US is a big contribution to the US either financially or academically or both. Some of us have spent up to six years or more in graduate school in the US. You would want to get a Green Card after six years working full time, wouldn't you? Not to mention, working over time for six years as the case of most PhD candidates.

    But the US educated have a big problem to face after graduation. That is when it comes to work that requires work experience, they are not as competitive as those who went straight to work and have got more work experience. They are only good in coming up with new patents and building new business models. The current immigration system favor those that have more work experience. So that is why the US educated are in a disadvantaged position.

    Considering the fact that the US educated have contributed a lot to the US financially and/or academically before going to work, and are still in a disadvantaged position, we do need some special treatments.

    Also, if the US educated are allowed to set up their own businesses earlier, it would be good for everybody.

    We are not trying to compete with those who are not US educated for Green Cards. We are just trying to get the Green Cards we should have gotten for the contribution we have made. Our Green Cards should not be in the same categories as yours and should not take up your quota.

    Have I made it clear?

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