Tuesday, May 24, 2011

new york times best seller sticker

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  • NoSmokingBandit
    Dec 6, 02:50 PM
    I'm letting my B-Spec driver earn me some cash. He is so slow..... He is only Lvl3 right now, but i'm really impatient!

    I got the Lotus Top Gear race done today. Took me a whole hour. About 40 minutes in i got pissed and turned ABS all the way up and ASM on. It helped so much, but the AI made it difficult to finsh. They'd ram into me and i'd get a dsq. Pissed me off.
    If anyone is having trouble, try turning off TCS completely, ABS all the way up, ASM on, and the front brake bias to 10. It makes up for the awful tires they put on it.

    I accepted littleman and psychofetus as friends, so if either of you want to trade cars let me know what you are looking for.

    new york times best seller sticker. new york times bestseller
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  • Moyank24
    Apr 27, 12:08 PM
    I lost mine a few years ago and it was re-issued so it isn't worn and faded. Does that mean I can't run for president? :eek::p


    Actually, we're going to have to ask you to leave the country. You and your fake birth certificate aren't welcome here.

    new york times best seller sticker. new york times best seller
  • new york times best seller

  • manu chao
    Aug 27, 05:58 AM
    A lot of (very vocal) people keep complaining about the crappy video cards Apple is using. I have heard these complaints for years now, I have heard them for all models.

    I, personally, have seen often enough performance limitations in my daily work related to the processor, I have also fairly often seen performance limitations due to my harddrive. I have rarely seen performance limitations due to my graphics card, maybe sometimes with Expose (big deal :rolleyes: ) and possibly with Aperture.

    So, getting a faster processor, or moving to a multiprocessor system, getting more RAM (reducing access to the HD) and getting e.g. a RAID system will do much, much more for your performance than getting a better video card, except for those using certain high-end apps and gamers.
    But, I do not have a computer to play games, I have a computer to get work done, I am sitting 13 hours a day in front of my computer, zero hours of these doing gaming.

    new york times best seller sticker. new york times best seller
  • new york times best seller

  • Daremo
    Apr 19, 01:28 PM
    The sales numbers are impressive, but not surprising.

    new york times best seller sticker. new york times best seller
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  • starflyer
    Apr 25, 02:04 PM
    This is why we need a "loser pays" system.

    new york times best seller sticker. new york times best seller
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  • Cobrien
    Aug 5, 03:26 PM
    I heard a rumour somewhere of an all metallic ipod nano, can anyone else tell me if they have heard anything similar.

    new york times best seller sticker. new york times best seller
  • new york times best seller

  • Durendal
    Apr 5, 07:16 PM
    YES!!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyqUj3PGHv4)


    new york times best seller sticker. new york times bestseller
  • new york times bestseller

  • mdelvecchio
    Mar 31, 03:47 PM
    The source hasn't been released. It's the source code that people are talking about. The source code that Google has always released up till now.

    thats the point -- he was clarifiying that despite the OS being out, the source hasnt been released. thats the point being made.

    new york times best seller sticker. New+york+times+est+seller
  • New+york+times+est+seller

  • k995
    Apr 20, 01:39 PM
    Seriously the iPhone looks like Prada? I'd got to be blind to not notice that.
    The google nexus s looks like an iphone? I'd got to be blind to not notice that.

    yet the same criteria apple uses can be used on the prada.

    But glad to see you find those arguments rubbish.

    The only similarity is the rounded corners and even the rounded corners look very different.

    What exactly is similar if I may know?

    Rows of icons?

    Dock at the bottom of screen?

    Capacitive screen (prada was the first btw)

    Button at the bottom, speaker above camera at the same place ,...

    Enough simularities as the current charges of apple against samsung/htc and google .

    new york times best seller sticker. New+york+times+est+seller
  • New+york+times+est+seller

  • jmgregory1
    Mar 22, 03:42 PM
    Everyone is trying to get a piece of what Apple created - and not suffer the same fate that all those that tried to compete with the iPod faced.

    Without figuring out how to differentiate from what Apple is doing AND show the consumer how they can really USE the tablet, none of these players will do much more than get a small, very small, piece of the [Apple] pie.

    Those people that want the iPad to do what a computer does or what a smartphone does, are not looking at the iPad the way it was intended - as something new and different. Why should it have to do what a laptop does or how a computer or phone does it?

    I'm guessing that what Apple is really working on is a way to tie together all devices that isn't just a wired interface (think their data center).

    new york times best seller sticker. new york times best seller
  • new york times best seller

  • andy721
    Mar 25, 11:58 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16)

    If this is a standard $129 upgrade I don't see anything here worth that price sadly. That is unless somehow my 2009 mac pro will run 2x as fast but I am not keeping my fingers crossed.

    If it is $129.00 he can shove this up his A$$, unless like you said my Mac Pro will run 2x faster.

    new york times best seller sticker. new york times best seller
  • new york times best seller

  • PeterQVenkman
    Apr 27, 09:03 AM
    Encrypting the existing database and giving us the option to get rid of it. Sounds fine to me.

    new york times best seller sticker. new york times best seller
  • new york times best seller

  • portishead
    Apr 12, 12:17 AM
    How about using more than one bloody core to render a timeline or do an export to the eternally-broken Compressor?

    How about properly recognizing file attributes on import?


    �QMaster having better than coin-flip reliability?

    �better R3D support (as well as other cameras)?


    etc etc

    Barely any of these are features you NEED. Yes we all want a faster NLE, but people are talking like FCP doesn't work, and is light years behind. All it needs is an update to 64 bit, new quicktime platform, and some other things which I won't go into.

    new york times best seller sticker. has a NY Times Best Seller
  • has a NY Times Best Seller

  • peharri
    Aug 11, 01:13 PM
    Hahahha coverage maps don't mean jack.Everyone in the wireless business knows they are gross approximations of the reality.

    new york times best seller sticker. New+york+times+est+seller
  • New+york+times+est+seller

  • Infrared
    Apr 11, 07:56 AM
    LOL, if you think final cut is from the 90's then Avid Media Composer is from the 50's. It's horrible GUI. I wouldn't learn it, if they paid me big bucks. Well I take that back, I would, but I would hate it. Avid Looks like a POS, the graphics designers at Avid have always been behind though. Look at Protools.

    No kidding!


    Where's Picasso when you need him? :-)

    Avid image was from here:


    new york times best seller sticker. new york times best seller
  • new york times best seller

  • notabadname
    Apr 25, 03:32 PM
    There is also a difference in whether the phone keeps and uses data to function and perform services, and whether that data is transmitted to Apple and used by Apple for tracking. The burden of proof (it would seem - in my non-laywer opinion) would be to show that Apple is specifically collecting that data and using or storing it. Not just that the phone keeps it resident, on-board for use by Apps which the user may "allow" to use location data.

    I'm betting Apple is smart enough not to be collecting the data outside the SLA.

    new york times best seller sticker. New+york+times+est+seller
  • New+york+times+est+seller

  • marksman
    Mar 31, 03:49 PM
    This is the right move for Google as Android has become a cluster...

    That being said it does go directly against how they have built android up, and how they have pitched it to businesses and consumers alike. This is a very significant change.

    I think this actually opens the window for Microsoft and their mobile OS now. It is not free, but now it becomes a legitimate option compared to Android for all handset makers outside of Apple and perhaps HP if they ever make handsets.

    It is funny one of the first things some people here would say when Android was brought up is "It is open!". You can hem and haw all you want, but for all intents and purposes it is no longer open. Google signing off on all changes and them having no timetable for releasing Honeycomb source code is not open in any way shape or form.

    new york times best seller sticker. Daniel Barry for The New York
  • Daniel Barry for The New York

  • PCClone
    Apr 27, 10:40 AM
    How I create a location map on my iPad 2?

    new york times best seller sticker. a NY Times Bestseller
  • a NY Times Bestseller

  • NoSmokingBandit
    Aug 14, 10:46 PM
    The gameplay vids show a ton of changes. Damage (to both the cars and tracks it looks like. I think i saw tire tracks in the grass like Motorstorm has), prettier gfx, a whole new physics engine (i read that prologue used an updated gt4 engine and gt5's is completely rebuilt), etc...

    I'm really looking forward to it. I enjoyed 4 quite a bit until it got into the super fast races. I have more fun racing a slightly tuned 350z instead of a completely modified GT that is putting 800+hp on the road.

    Apr 19, 02:45 PM
    Talking to me?

    I am not trying to convince; simply stating opinions by providing facts. Problem?

    No, I was talking in general. Not at all specifically about you.


    Jul 28, 07:43 AM
    Looking forward to WWDC! Unfortunately I'll be returning home on a plane while the Keynote is going on.

    At MacWorld when Steve announced the MacBook Pro's I literally fell off a chair. Here's hoping that the Plane won't do the same thing if the Pilot's are Mac Nuts! :D

    Nov 29, 12:59 PM
    For starters, it's not illegal to download music freely. There are quite a few artists that allow free downloads of their music, so the first part of your statement "it's illegal to download music freely" is not correct. The second half of your statement ".... people are doing it....", assumes that everyone is guilty until they prove themselves innocent. Which is wrong.

    Of course not all music is illegal to download, but for the sake of the conversation, which is full of 10 pages of posts concerning Universal's copyright protected cataloge, I assumed a qualifier wasn't necessary in my post.

    To make myself clear, it's illegal to download copyrighted music which the artist and/or label has not explicitely made available as a free, promotional download.

    Aug 6, 02:17 PM
    Was just trying to price out an IMac on the Apple store and the option of upgrade the keyboard/mouse to a wireless version was gone??

    Something new in the offing to be announced tomorrow perhaps??

    I think that the option disappeared when the wireless Mighty Mouse came out.

    Mar 1, 04:27 PM
    Fascinating as this insight into a mediaeval mind is, please do remember to use the multi-quote.

    Well it certainly isn't the Renaissance mind, as Leonardo and Michelangelo were pretty clearly raving homosexuals.

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