Friday, May 27, 2011

portal 2 wallpaper wheatley

portal 2 wallpaper wheatley. Batch of HD #39;Portal 2#39;
  • Batch of HD #39;Portal 2#39;

  • RedTomato
    Sep 13, 12:36 PM
    I read the link above about the ZFS filesystem.

    Hmm this could remove a lot of the pain I currently have juggling disks on the cheap.

    (I hold a lot of footage of deaf people signing for a project, and don't really have any budget to pay for disk storage. I currently have about 200 GB left on a 1 TB RAID5 system inside a Powermac G3)

    It seems the concept of individual volumes will vanish, and instead ZFS creates a common pool of filespace and looks after the checksums etc itself. New drives can just be thrown into the array and ZFS will look after optimising the array I/O.

    Mixing 15k rpm speed demon drives with 5400rpm storage hog drives mmmm...

    I look forwards to being able to buy a cheap chassis with just a power unit and space for 10 drives, and being able to put that next to my G3, and having ZFS sort out what to do with the 8-9 drives in there.

    Something like that hooked up to a Cloverton should give significant HD speedup. Not as much as a ramdisk tho :)

    One thing, the article says ZFS can cope with drives being removed from the pool. I'd like to see more detail on that. It surely copes with 1 out of 4 drives failing - what about 3 out of 4? What if 3 x 20GB 15k rpm drives fail and the 1x750GB 5400rpm drive is still up?

    portal 2 wallpaper wheatley. My sister was playing Portal 2
  • My sister was playing Portal 2

  • ~Shard~
    Jul 14, 02:33 PM
    Maybe one of the drives will be Blu-Ray.

    ... and the other one HD-DVD! :eek: ;) :D

    portal 2 wallpaper wheatley. Wheatly GLaDOS Portal 2
  • Wheatly GLaDOS Portal 2

  • MacBoobsPro
    Jul 20, 09:22 AM
    But as some already pointed out, many applications can't use multiple cores, therefore you won't get any performance improvements with multi cores.

    Im not talking about performance, more about energy usage. I thought maybe they are using more cores as it is more energy efficient than using less cores or one big one. But as someone has pointed out its more likely a case of not having to squeeze more transistor thingies on a chip, they may as well just add another chip. :)

    portal 2 wallpaper wheatley. and Wheatley Wallpaper of
  • and Wheatley Wallpaper of

  • cult hero
    Mar 26, 12:13 PM
    For example SAMBA has been removed and completely replaced with a ground up clean room implementation of SMB2 which will translate into better support for Windows Vista and 7 clients as well as the latest versions of Windows. Why hasn't that been mentioned by the nay sayers here?

    Do we know this? I know Samba is being replaced but does anyone have any details?

    I presume it's going to have better support for Vista and 7 clients purely because if Apple didn't care about that there would be no reason to ditch the older version of Samba that's GPL2. However, does anyone have any actual details on what Apple's Samba replacement is?

    portal 2 wallpaper wheatley. Portal 2 Wheatley I am Boss by
  • Portal 2 Wheatley I am Boss by

  • nagromme
    Mar 22, 01:01 PM
    Widescreen is great for movie watching, and the spec-lover in me is all over that... but it’s not very flexible for portrait use. (Which is how you hold a tablet one-handed, and is how you see the most content on a web page or scrolling document.)

    A 10.1” 1280x800 screen is actually almost exactly the same screen area as an iPad: the iPad is 45.2 sq. in., and the 10.1 is 45.8 sq. in.

    Held in portrait mode, the 10.1 is .75” taller... but .5” narrower than an iPad. I don’t think I’d care for that. (But with 1280x800 you do gain 32 pixels of width, and 256 pixels of height. Still not great for portrait use.)

    The 8.9 display, though—which seems to save a few bucks—is an interesting option for dropping the price floor on “real” tablets. (Not that I’d settle for Android’s failings. As pointed out: specs alone don’t make a good car, nor a good computer, nor a good tablet!)

    I hope these catch on enough that I can actually buy an iPad.

    Ha ha :D Good thinking!

    portal 2 wallpaper wheatley. portal 2 wallpaper chell.
  • portal 2 wallpaper chell.

  • MSlaw
    Apr 25, 02:54 PM
    They would have to prove that the data is being transmitted. And for the purchase price? lol They probably shorted a bunch of apple stock before they did this.

    portal 2 wallpaper wheatley. portal 2 wallpaper chell.
  • portal 2 wallpaper chell.

  • Multimedia
    Aug 26, 07:50 PM
    I Just Hope Apple Joins The Rest Of The Manufacturers In This Mass Announcement. I'm afraid they won't due to EGO problems. :rolleyes: In this case, I wish they wouldn't "Think Differently".

    portal 2 wallpaper wheatley. portal 2 wallpaper hd. portal
  • portal 2 wallpaper hd. portal

  • DoFoT9
    Aug 12, 02:35 AM
    I know they are fundamentally two different types of games in a similar genre, but he brought up the sales of the series, so I offered up another racing game series with much higher sales.

    similar genre given racing, but one is a simulator - the other is, a bit more fictional (in a sense).

    but anyway, thats a technicality. no doubt that NFS seems to be higher grossing and more popular, as GT targets a pretty acute market. i wonder if GT5 will change that at all.

    portal 2 wallpaper wheatley. portal 2 wallpaper hd.
  • portal 2 wallpaper hd.

  • Blakjack
    Apr 6, 03:03 PM
    What bothers me is people think because an iPad sells more it is superior, unless you made the iPad or work at Apple I don't see how that makes sense. Also most people on here have never even played with a XOOM.

    I own both an iPad2 (my wife's technically) and my XOOM. I had an iPad1 since launch until I sold it for a XOOM. For me, Apps are lacking on XOOM but it's made up for with the true tablet OS and excellent first party apps.

    Find me a better GMail/Email, Maps, Browser on the iPad and other stuff you will actually use most often and I'll sell my XOOM. Since I've had my XOOM, I haven't touched the iPad2. Everytime I pick it up I miss using the XOOM.

    1. Fluid Interface-Apple Kills
    2. Battery life-Apple wins
    3. Ecosystem-Apple wins
    4. Apps-Apple Kills
    5. Games and Graphics-Apple kills

    For anyone to choose any other tablet over the iPad means they care nothing about these five things and had might as well buy a NETBOOK. It would save them a ton of money.

    EDIT: Just noticed non of these things have anything to do with Hardware. Its all USER EXPERIENCE, definitely something only APPLE understands right now.

    P.S. U can add all the hardware features u want(8mp rear camera, 3mp front camera, USB ports, etc) but ID STILL CHOOSE THAT BEAUTIFUL ALUMINUM FRAME OF TABLET over all that any day.

    portal 2 wallpaper wheatley. portal 2 wallpaper 1920.
  • portal 2 wallpaper 1920.

  • iJawn108
    Aug 6, 03:21 PM

    portal 2 wallpaper wheatley. portal 2 wallpaper ipad.
  • portal 2 wallpaper ipad.

  • Westside guy
    Aug 11, 02:27 PM
    Hmm... maybe I stand corrected on this - see paragraph three (or four, if you count bullet points as a paragrapn).

    T-Mobile USA to End Network Venture with Cingular and Acquire California/Nevada Network and Spectrum (

    I was curious; so I went into my V600's network settings and found a Cingular network. I registered with it, and was able to make a call.

    I don't understand why this isn't automatic though. I don't always have coverage at times when my Cingular-using office mate does.

    portal 2 wallpaper wheatley. portal 2 wallpaper 1080p.
  • portal 2 wallpaper 1080p.

  • Whyren
    Nov 28, 07:06 PM
    Sounds like trying to get royalties off of blank CDs by selling "Music CD-Rs" at a higher cost.

    Apple could just let them distribute Universal-branded "Music-Ready" iPods that are set at $50 more than any standard iPod. See how well that'll go for 'em.

    portal 2 wallpaper wheatley. portal 2 wallpaper ipad.
  • portal 2 wallpaper ipad.

  • *LTD*
    Apr 6, 07:51 AM

    Apple's no longer supposed to care about their Pro software.

    This will never happen.

    portal 2 wallpaper wheatley. portal 2 wallpaper ipad.
  • portal 2 wallpaper ipad.

  • FreeState
    Mar 4, 06:44 PM
    Are they affiliated with WBC?

    Nope. But according to Southern Poverty Law Center they are being watched as a hate group.

    Concerned Women for America
    Washington, D.C.

    San Diego, Calif., activist Beverly LaHaye, whose husband Tim would go on to become famous as co-author of the Left Behind novels depicting the end times, started Concerned Women for America (CWA) in 1979 to create an anti-feminist group that matched the power of the National Organization for Women. Today, CWA claims more than 500,000 members organized into state chapters, a radio program that reaches more than 1 million listeners, and a cadre of attorneys and researchers devoted to the group�s mission of promoting biblical values.

    LaHaye has blamed gay people for a �radical leftist crusade� in America and, over the years, has occasionally equated homosexuality with pedophilia. In she hired prominent anti-gay propagandists Robert Knight (now with Coral Ridge Ministries; see below) and Peter LaBarbera (now with Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, above) to launch CWA�s Culture and Family Institute. Matt Barber was CWA�s policy director for cultural issues in 2007 and 2008 before moving on to similar work with the Liberty Counsel (below).

    While at CWA, on April 12, Barber suggested against all the evidence that there were only a �miniscule number� of anti-gay hate crimes and most of those �may very well be rooted in fraudulent reports.� In comments that have since disappeared from CWA�s website, Barber demanded a federal probe of �homosexual activists� for their alleged fabrications of hate crime reports.

    CWA long relied on and displayed Knight�s articles and talking points, including claims that �homosexuality carries enormous physical and mental health risks� and �gay marriage entices children to experiment with homosexuality.� Most remarkably, Knight cited the utterly discredited work of Paul Cameron (see Family Research Institute, below) to bolster claims that homosexuality is harmful.

    Today, CWA continues to make arguments against homosexuality on the basis of dubious claims. President Wendy Wright said this August that gay activists were using same-sex marriage �to indoctrinate children in schools to reject their parents� values and to harass, sue and punish people who disagree.� Last year, CWA accused the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), a group that works to stop anti-gay bullying in schools, of using that mission as a cover to promote homosexuality in schools, adding that �teaching students from a young age that the homosexual lifestyle is perfectly natural � will [cause them to] develop into adults who are desensitized to the harmful, immoral reality of sexual deviance.�

    portal 2 wallpaper wheatley. portal 2 wallpaper it.
  • portal 2 wallpaper it.

  • chrmjenkins
    Apr 27, 10:32 AM
    I'm a little confused at the magnitude of people's reaction here.

    Cell phone companies already do this. This is how they track potential crime victims locations'. They can access the cellular provider's database and get a ping with a cell tower and location. This is also timestamped. Your cellular provider already has more information than Apple ever had.

    portal 2 wallpaper wheatley. portal 2 wallpaper 1080p.
  • portal 2 wallpaper 1080p.

  • stapler
    Sep 13, 07:57 PM
    I doubt anybody runs more than eight really hardcore apps at once.

    portal 2 wallpaper wheatley. portal 2 wallpaper it.
  • portal 2 wallpaper it.

  • yoak
    Apr 12, 09:28 AM

    This was posted by another member, relaytv in another thread.
    Interesting read while we wait

    portal 2 wallpaper wheatley. portal 2 wallpaper.
  • portal 2 wallpaper.

  • Iconoclysm
    Apr 19, 08:24 PM
    WRONG! They weren't invented at Apple's Cupertino HQ, they were invented back in Palo Alto (Xerox PARC).

    Secondly, your source is a pro-Apple website. Thats a problem right there.

    I'll give you a proper source, the NYTimes (, which wrote an article on Xerox vs Apple back in 1989, untarnished, in its raw form. Your 'source' was cherry picking data.

    Here is one excerpt.

    Then Apple CEO John Sculley stated:

    ^^ thats a GLARING admission, by the CEO of Apple, don't you think? Nevertheless, Xerox ended up losing that lawsuit, with some saying that by the time they filed that lawsuit it was too late. The lawsuit wasn't thrown out because they didn't have a strong case against Apple, but because of how the lawsuit was presented as is at the time.

    I'm not saying that Apple stole IP from Xerox, but what I am saying is that its quite disappointing to see Apple fanboys trying to distort the past into making it seem as though Apple created the first GUI, when that is CLEARLY not the case. The GUI had its roots in Xerox PARC. That, is a FACT.

    Actually, you're WRONG!!!! to say he's wrong. You're trying to say that every GUI element was created at Xerox? EVERY one of them? Sorry, but your argument here is akin to something Fox News would air.

    portal 2 wallpaper wheatley. portal 2 wallpaper it.
  • portal 2 wallpaper it.

  • AidenShaw
    Jul 14, 11:14 PM
    OTOH, its been great to finally read the benchmark figures for the new apple processors. It hit me that the mac community will finally have overclocking hardware readily available! Wow!
    s/mac community/all the Intel vendors/wh

    You have been assimilated.

    Apple == Dell == IBM == Gateway == Lenovo == ...

    Jul 27, 09:34 AM (

    Intel announced ( the long anticipated Core 2 Duo processors today. Intel announced 10 new chips including 5 designed for latops (Merom) and 5 for desktops (Conroe).

    Core 2 Duo runs at slower clock speeds than Pentium-era chips, but is still more productive because it handles more calculations per clock cycle, said Sean Tucker, a product manager at HP. Thanks to that slower speed, Core 2 Duo chips need less electricity, drawing just 65 watts compared to the Pentium 4�s 95 watts and Pentium D�s 130 watts.

    Intel has already started shipping Core 2 Duo chips to manufacturers, so the first Core 2 Duo Desktop machines should reach consumers in early August. Meanwhile Core 2 Duo laptops will reach consumers by the end of August.

    Conroe and Merom are successors to the Core Duo processor which was introduced by Intel early this year. The Core Duo (Yonah) was the first Intel chip used in Apple's switch to intel earlier this year.

    At present Apple's lineup is as follows:

    Intel: MacBook, MacBook Pro, iMac, Mac mini: Core Duo or Core Solo (Yonah)
    PowerPC: PowerMac, Xserve: PowerPC 970 (G5)

    Newer processors from Intel sharing a new architecture now include:
    Core 2 Duo mobile (Merom)
    Core 2 Duo desktop (Conroe)
    Xeon 5100 (Woodcrest)

    Woodcrest is rumored ( to be used in the Mac Pro, which is expected be released at WWDC 2006. Apple's use of the Core 2 Duo is not yet clear, but the Core 2 Duo mobile (Merom) is pin compatible ( with the current Core Duo (Yonah). This means that Apple could easily upgrade the existing Intel-based Macs to the newer processor with no design changes.

    Aug 15, 01:18 PM
    I think I'll stick to the 2.66Ghz and standard graphics card, as FCP and compressor are more CPU intensive I believe.

    Premiere Pro, for an example, is starting to use GPU-accelerated effects, I think it's a trend that will soon be coming over to FCP.

    I'd get the 2.6 ghz, then add another graphics card in the future if the current one doesn't suffice.

    Bill McEnaney
    Mar 3, 01:11 PM
    Fair enough. Now let's move along. ;)
    You guys move on without me, please. I regret that I posted to this thread, because I said I wanted to post about technical topics only. It's best for me to post where I can do plenty of good. So I'll go back to the Mac Programming forum where I won't react emotionally.

    Sep 18, 11:15 PM
    For the love of God, please, learn to spell.

    for the love of god get a life. oh sorry must be the lack of coffee thats making me tired and irritable

    Aug 18, 06:45 PM
    My 3.0's shipping date just changed - for no obvious reason - from 8/20 to 9/19. One month. Clearly, something just got snagged in the supply chain.

    Anyone else have this?

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