Wednesday, May 25, 2011

leonardo dicaprio young pictures

leonardo dicaprio young pictures. Leonardo DiCaprio#39;s childhood
  • Leonardo DiCaprio#39;s childhood

  • br0adband
    Nov 4, 10:43 PM
    Hmmm, and I thought it was down to me running it on a MacBook ( 2Ghz,2GB ). For the money I paid for it, it's a useful ( but not great ) product. However, I've found the support to be abysmal, and that's as important to me, as how it runs.

    I've only had a quick scan of this thread, but does anyone with a C2D based machine have it running? Any problems? ( thinking of Parallels C2D debacle, here ).

    I have a 20" iMac Core 2 Duo with 2GB and the stock 250GB hard drive. I'm running Parallels 24/7 with XP on a second 20" LCD monitor - OSX on the left on the iMac itself, XP on the right with the second LCD dedicated to running XP fullscreen.

    I've rebooted twice in 3 weeks just because some software on the OSX side required a reboot.

    To be honest, I've had more application crashes and restarts on OSX than I have under XP/Windows in the past 3 years. So much for "crash resistant" - and yes, I've had 4 kernel panics since I got this iMac home; that's more than the number of BSODs I've had under XP in 4 years.

    So, in the next day or so I'll be doing the following test batch and making a thread here for the results:

    - I'll be installing Parallels build 1970 clean
    - I'll be installing the current beta build of VMWare Fusion clean
    - I'll be installing XP SP2 *only* in default VMs under each of those two applications
    - I will not be updating the SP2 at all, in fact neither VM will have Internet access to keep that aspect out of the testing
    - I will install Windows Media Player 10 and Windows Media Encoder 9 as supplied by Microsoft for testing (see the next step)
    - I will be installing PCMark05 from Futuremark into each VM for comprehensive testing under both applications (WMP10 and WME9 are required components of PCMark05, hence me installing them in the prior step)

    I will then run the default benchmark in PCMark05 with the following stipulations:

    leonardo dicaprio young pictures. young leonardo dicaprio
  • young leonardo dicaprio

  • Evangelion
    Jul 12, 03:57 AM
    So a camera ipod is possible or an accessory to add a camera/video support but it will be kind of a useless feature.

    Not if you tie the iPod to iChat. "Videoconferencing, on the go".

    leonardo dicaprio young pictures. leonardo dicaprio wallpaper
  • leonardo dicaprio wallpaper

  • Legion93
    May 1, 11:32 PM
    you guys are really reaching ... Osama Bin Laden is as big as they come as far as Terrorism goes ... that is a fact.

    To the Taliban, Osama Bin Laden was like chuck Norris to the Americans.

    leonardo dicaprio young pictures. Evans. leonardo
  • Evans. leonardo

  • charlituna
    Apr 24, 02:50 AM
    I don't quite understand this... as people use their iPhones on T-Mobile jailbroken all the time. How could AT&T iPhones work on T-Mobile now if they need different hardware???

    People jail break their iphones to use them on T-Mobile with Edge. It is only the 3g that is on the different frequency set.

    Just release a GSM/CDMA every-band iPhone 5, and sell it off contract as well. Virgin Mobile USA customers are going to orgasm for that.

    I would go for that. I would even happily pay the no contract price. If it means that I can tell ATT that they have to knock $16.66 off my monthly bill because I'm not paying them back money they didn't put in and they can't refuse.


    leonardo dicaprio young pictures. a young Leonardo DiCaprio,
  • a young Leonardo DiCaprio,

  • iphone3gs16gb
    Apr 28, 04:03 PM

    Who cares really?

    It's white! That's all I care about :)

    leonardo dicaprio young pictures. leonardo dicaprio younger
  • leonardo dicaprio younger

  • Ktulu
    Oct 23, 07:56 AM
    If Vista can run soley in a virtuallized environment without breaking the EULA, but not be installed on a machine that also is using it in a virtualized way. How does this affect anyone-(Mac or PC)?

    If I own a PC and I want to run Vista, why would I want to also run Vista, on the same machine, in a virtual environment?

    For Mac users, why would we want to install Vista-(via BootCamp) and then also use it under virtualization?

    What situation is there that you would want to run the same OS on the same box, one natively installed and one in virtualization?:confused:

    Very confused about how this affects anyone?


    leonardo dicaprio young pictures. young Leonardo DiCaprio
  • young Leonardo DiCaprio

  • gnasher729
    Apr 25, 07:50 AM
    I would beat the hell out of any dude that was in the same bathroom as my daughter.

    To give you an idea how mentally backwards this attitude is: In what is probably considered one of the most backward countries in the world, in Iran, the religious leaders are completely Ok with a transgender operation. To them, a man is a man, a woman is a woman, and a man or woman who has the bad luck to be born in the wrong kind of body should get help to get the problem fixed.

    leonardo dicaprio young pictures. Leonard DiCaprio#39;s New Role:
  • Leonard DiCaprio#39;s New Role:

  • trainguy77
    Oct 14, 11:37 PM
    We moved up a rank today some how. :eek: As well the number of active users is increasing. I kind of think us talking about it here seems to be helping! I might just set my signature back to something about folding tomorrow at some point.


    leonardo dicaprio young pictures. and Leonardo DiCaprio:
  • and Leonardo DiCaprio:

  • rovex
    Apr 27, 01:01 PM
    Ah- we have plenty of people here in the US, just like you, who insist "fact" and "speculation" are the same things. They are not.

    I'm "insisting" that we are dealing with the obvious, So clear cut that I'd consider it reality.

    leonardo dicaprio young pictures. young leonardo dicaprio
  • young leonardo dicaprio

  • blondepianist
    Mar 31, 11:59 AM
    Yay - I see a full-screen button! Since I give most of my programs their own Spaces, this will be very nice.


    leonardo dicaprio young pictures. leonardo dicaprio young
  • leonardo dicaprio young

  • aiqw9182
    Apr 22, 09:23 AM
    As expected.

    leonardo dicaprio young pictures. a young Leonardo DiCaprio
  • a young Leonardo DiCaprio

  • iMeowbot
    Dec 1, 03:00 PM
    But if we agree that the development of a secure OS is all about utilizing sound design, coding and auditing processes, then we must also accept that the challenge will be very difficult for Apple to meet: You just cannot do that with Open Source...
    Sure you can. What you can't do is grab stuff and assume that it does the right thing without checking it for yourself. That's equally true for software developed in house, or developed by subcontractors or commercial partners. It has little at all to do with public vs. private source code.


    leonardo dicaprio young pictures. leonardo dicaprio young
  • leonardo dicaprio young

  • Al1n
    Nov 15, 05:17 PM
    Luminor Panerai. Can't beat that!
    Haha, my gf bought me the same watch (PAM00005) for my birthday few weeks ago.

    It's a very nice watch, i love it. Hope you get yours.:)

    leonardo dicaprio young pictures. DiCaprio knows how to play
  • DiCaprio knows how to play

  • brainwave89
    Jun 16, 07:36 AM
    There was no reason why this issue shouldn't have been resolved at the Apple store level. That store manager deserves needs to be enlightened.


    leonardo dicaprio young pictures. Leonardo DiCaprio amp; Bar
  • Leonardo DiCaprio amp; Bar

  • TheMacBookPro
    Jun 6, 10:46 AM
    $1000 worth of a beating he'd get if i were his parent. Luckily for kids, i hate them and would never have one. Ever.

    You do realize that you too were once a kid as well? :rolleyes:

    My brother has a android phone (:mad:) and if he buys an app from the android market and doesn't like it he can get a refund and it is deleted. I think it is in a 15 minute time gap.

    However this would be a nice feature to the apple app store.

    What's wrong with Android? My N1 does far more than what a 3GS can do... whatever floats your boat I guess.

    leonardo dicaprio young pictures. Leonardo DiCaprio – TCHAD
  • Leonardo DiCaprio – TCHAD

  • celebrian23
    Jul 24, 08:53 PM
    I wonder if all of these possibilities for the 6G are all compatible with each other.


    leonardo dicaprio young pictures. leonardo dicaprio younger.
  • leonardo dicaprio younger.

  • iJohnHenry
    Dec 29, 05:03 PM
    I hear a chair screaming for help.

    They don't make chairs like that anymore.

    I wonder if it has wheels on it??

    Probably ruts in the floor tile, to and from the fridge.

    leonardo dicaprio young pictures. leonardo dicaprio young
  • leonardo dicaprio young

  • SactoGuy18
    Apr 29, 11:18 PM
    I believe that Amazon uses 256 kbps variable bit rate compression for their MP3 Download store. Why MP3? The reason is simple: it allows maximum compatibility with all music players that can play back MP3 files out there. Sure, Amazon could use the AAC 256 kbps VBR format, but outside of the iPod support for the AAC format is iffy at best (only the higher end players from Sandisk's Sansa line and Creative support AAC).

    leonardo dicaprio young pictures. leonardo dicaprio young.
  • leonardo dicaprio young.

  • Tanguyvd
    Apr 1, 09:17 AM
    Someone mentioned the Windows 3.1 calendar?

    oh yes, this totally nails it! :D

    i kind of like the new UI, however, i do more like the lay-out
    not so much the torn paper edges and faux-leather...
    i truly hope switching back to "classic" view is still there...

    Jun 9, 04:17 PM
    More importantly... $1000 for a BAR exam prep app? BAR prep books are significantly less.

    Well, I guess the app contain an official exam and your results get posted directly... Obviously, it's not only a "text book" kind of app...

    Jul 24, 05:34 PM
    I love the shape of the Mighty Mouse, but not the function (weird right-click). Or the name :)

    It's a personal call, and I could get used to it, but for ME, I'd choose a different mouse.

    I also have done a 180 on Bluetooth: I now feel that for ME, batteries and charging are more of a hassle than a single cord.

    But I wouldn't mind a BT mouse as PowerBook/MacBook's travel companion.

    Jul 24, 07:55 PM
    I bought a Mighty Mouse when it first came out.

    Personally, I love it. I do have clicking issues, but not the same as others - where others fins it accidentally left clicks when they try to right-click, I used to get right clicks when I tried left - but after a long time of use, I have learnt to use it as I need.

    The scroll ball is awesome, but does seem to fail occasionally...a bit of dampness ont eh ball fixes this though.

    Apr 3, 09:41 PM
    While I am happy with it for myself, I know it is rather (ok, very) cliche to post a duck shot (
    IMG_3102 ( by Rusty2192 (, on Flickr

    Sorry, but what's wrong with duck posts??? Especially one that's as good as this? Nice "head room." I like it!

    Apr 29, 04:06 AM
    That's a very nice spin you put on it there ;)

    You actually gave the exact reason why the iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS sell more than any android phone. Android offers you so many more choices, that there is no way any single one of them would sell as many units as the two options you have for a phone with iOS.

    If by spin, you mean "reporting of facts without any opinion injected at all", then yes.

    Here's an opinion: You don't have the foggiest grasp of economics.

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