Friday, May 27, 2011

green lantern six flags logo

green lantern six flags logo. green lantern six flags logo.
  • green lantern six flags logo.

  • stefman
    Nov 28, 09:46 PM
    What kind of ridiculous Mafia tactics are those? This is so stupid, what if I don't buy a single Universal song? Why should they get any money?


    green lantern six flags logo. Green Lantern 76 Neal Adams
  • Green Lantern 76 Neal Adams

  • Nuvi
    Apr 11, 02:35 AM
    Except he rewrote iMovie all my himself before showing it to Apple. Jobs then chose to adopt the new interface.
    So if anything, what you find crap in iMovie was Ubilos' ideas.

    Things I don't like to hear... In all honesty I just hope he wanted to separate iMovie from Pro products even more... I have bad feeling about all of this. Rumors about FCP being FC (literally not going for pro anymore) and aiming for online consumer delivery like YouTube makes me sick. If they have killed tape input / output you know that moment Apple really made iCut"Pro".

    green lantern six flags logo. green lantern six flags logo.
  • green lantern six flags logo.

  • starflyer
    Mar 22, 11:55 PM
    This is one reason why Microsoft Office requires more and more RAM and CPU every time a new version is released.
    Microsoft Office 2007 (Windows) and 2011 (Mac) are not slow.
    They may be slow in your super �ber Mac from which uses the super �ber Core 2 Duo, but it's certainly not in my sister's Core i3 notebook.

    Your machine is outdated. I hope you're not using it as a reference to judge Microsoft Office performance. just proved his point.

    green lantern six flags logo. Six Flags Magic Mountain
  • Six Flags Magic Mountain

  • cmcgivern
    Jun 15, 02:51 PM
    Radio Shack is no longer doing Pre-orders...I was told there are no more iPhones available for them...

    The Best Buy in my area is doing a $50 Pre-order but it's BS...The $50 doesn't go towards the iPhone...You're still going to have to pay full price (not guaranteed that you will get one on launch) and the $50 that was originally paid will be returned to you as a gift card. Are you serious????

    green lantern six flags logo. Six Flags Magic Mountain to
  • Six Flags Magic Mountain to

  • mwswami
    Jul 21, 05:08 PM
    Problem with that arrangement is that you are limited to the use of two cores for any one appication and there are already several I use that can use up to almost 3 at once. It would also get very confusing which mini you are on at a given moment.

    Yeah I could also get a second G5 Quad. But that would be cheating. :D

    Got it. Thanks!

    If you haven't seen it before, I found this ( very interesting.

    green lantern six flags logo. green lantern six flags logo.
  • green lantern six flags logo.

  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 10, 02:49 AM
    Rockwell doesn't exist anymore, it's Broadwell now ;) After that it will be Sky Lake (16nm) and Skymont (11nm).

    If these latest names hold true. :D

    green lantern six flags logo. green lantern six flags logo.
  • green lantern six flags logo.

  • DPazdanISU
    Aug 7, 03:49 PM

    green lantern six flags logo. Green Lantern to replace
  • Green Lantern to replace

  • daneoni
    Apr 6, 07:49 AM
    Aperture 4?

    green lantern six flags logo. Green Lantern Coaster
  • Green Lantern Coaster

  • Buschmaster
    Aug 16, 10:36 PM
    Was there any doubt it wouldn't be a lot faster? I mean, I know it was already plenty fast, but come on...

    green lantern six flags logo. green lantern six flags logo.
  • green lantern six flags logo.

  • bonehead
    Nov 28, 07:02 PM
    It doesn't cost the consumer any more, why wouldn't you want the people who actually make the music you are listening to get compensated?

    This debate is stale. People want something for nothing.

    Two things.

    1) Who says the people who actually make the music would get any of this money in the first place?

    2) Digital distribution is more profitable per unit than CDs. There are no manufacturing or shipping costs.

    Now who is it that wants something for nothing?

    green lantern six flags logo. The Green Lantern Roller
  • The Green Lantern Roller

  • X2468
    Mar 31, 11:03 PM
    Probably what bothers me the most about the discourse that Android is open is that underlying that logic is an implicit (or perhaps really explicit, depending on who is touting that discourse) assumption that it is democratic, liberal, progressive, and for "the people" and thus prevents a "draconian future" from happening because instead of letting corporations dictate our digital worlds, the people will a) have a say in it and b) have a choice.


    This discourse makes a false link between software being open source and political ideology. The two are not necessarily corresponding. And furthermore, that Android is actually open source is highly debatable but I won't go there.

    Why do so many technophiles fall for the discourse that open means choice means freedom mean democracy discourse? It's all BALONEY! Google isn't really interested in protecting your freedom, democracy etc.. It's really interested in surviving and making money. Let's try not to fall AGAIN for that political cover.

    In this case, I find Apple much more honest. They don't talk about political ideologies like freedom, democracy etc. All they say is they want to make devices that are friendly and easy to use. They don't couch their products in political ideological terms.
    Your verbose attempt to cloud the truth is impressive, even if wildly false. It's readily apparent you've gone to great lengths to cover up your lack of technical erudition.

    I do agree that Apples current advantages are:

    1) Brand Name
    2) Excellent Product Design
    3) Huge Population Of Cult Like Followers
    4) Steve Jobs, Worlds Best Sales Person

    Yet change is brewing, nothing lasts forever.

    Be prepared.

    green lantern six flags logo. green lantern six flags logo.
  • green lantern six flags logo.

  • AppleKrate
    Sep 19, 05:29 AM
    Why do you even visit this site? You are doing nothing but criticising Apple and their products. Please leave.
    Ps. If I was Admin I would ban you :p

    You guys crack me UP! Peace and love, they're only machines (ah, but what machines...) :)

    green lantern six flags logo. green lantern six flags logo.
  • green lantern six flags logo.

  • MattInOz
    Apr 6, 06:48 PM
    I still don't think this means new MacBook Airs in June. Can anyone really see Apple releasing new hardware before Lion is released?

    Yes I can...
    In fact I expect it.
    Then the full range of machines can run either SL or Lion. You don't normally see machines restricted to running the new OS until after update 2 or 3. Otherwise they'd be cutting off pro sales for people who rely on some 3rd party software that doesn't cope with Lion till those or the software itself updates.

    green lantern six flags logo. The Green Lantern: Only at Six
  • The Green Lantern: Only at Six

  • LegendKillerUK
    Apr 6, 10:53 AM
    SB processor is great. I hope it has a backlit keyboard.

    But I thought integrated graphics typically were not very good, and some software won't even work with it.

    Apple giveth, Apple taketh away.

    The current nvidia chip is also integrated so it's not that much of a step down. As a 13" Pro user I can happily tell anyone that for what the product is made for, it's perfectly usable. At first I was pissed at the idea but it turned out the Intel HD 3000 were more powerful than the graphics in my old laptop.

    green lantern six flags logo. green lantern six flags logo.
  • green lantern six flags logo.

  • Stridder44
    Jul 20, 02:27 PM
    I disagree. I think Apple will use Core 2 Duo (Conroe) in the iMac, and Merom in the MBP. The iMac could hold a G5, why not Conroe?

    On top of that, you'll notice that a 2.16 GHz Conroe costs $70 less than the 1.83 GHz Yonah that's in the iMac now, $70 less than a 2 GHz Merom, and $200 less than a 2.16 GHz Merom, increasing Apple's profit margins on the iMac considerably or allowing a price drop- plus they can advertise it as a desktop processor.

    In fact, even if Conroe was too hot (which I highly doubt, since the iMac had a G5), a 2.16 GHz Conroe underclocked to 2 GHz still saves $70 over a 2 GHz Merom.

    But what about the MacBook!! *weeps*

    green lantern six flags logo. green lantern six flags logo.
  • green lantern six flags logo.

  • prady16
    Aug 26, 04:13 PM
    Definitely buying a MBP asap.....not gonna wait for santa rosa!

    green lantern six flags logo. green lantern six flags logo.
  • green lantern six flags logo.

  • *LTD*
    Mar 26, 07:13 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    How does Rosetta hold back forward progress exactly? It's just small extension for the OS. It's not like it's Classic.

    It's crap that is no longer needed.

    Stuff that can be cut out but isn't, holds back progress. Progress = cutting and more cutting and then perfecting what's left over.

    Rosetta isn't necessary to run today's apps (or even apps released over the past 2-3 years.) So it needs to go.

    green lantern six flags logo. green lantern six flags logo.
  • green lantern six flags logo.

  • Thataboy
    Aug 7, 03:36 PM
    I think one of the biggest things is the iChat remote desktop functionality. I have long been wanting very basic Apple Remote Desktop abilities in OS X. It is the perfect way to help a friend or family member troubleshoot a computer problem or teach them how to do a particular task.

    Now, it seems, in iChat, all they have to do is share their screen, and you can take over! (If I am reading the description correctly!)

    Oh yeah, Time Machine is cool. Spaces is alright, reminds me of Logic workspaces. Honestly, I never was so enamoured with Spotlight and Dashboard, but I am glad they are getting updated.

    Now it's time for our crack team of Mac rumors sites to find out what's in Steve's sneaky top secret file folder!! I guess those features will be disabled in the Developer Previews? Because NDA or not, SOMEONE would talk about them.

    green lantern six flags logo. green lantern six flags logo.
  • green lantern six flags logo.

  • Squire
    Aug 8, 05:52 AM
    Okay, after reading the ten pages, here are my thoughts:

    I think one of the biggest things is the iChat remote desktop functionality. I have long been wanting very basic Apple Remote Desktop abilities in OS X. It is the perfect way to help a friend or family member troubleshoot a computer problem or teach them how to do a particular task.

    Now, it seems, in iChat, all they have to do is share their screen, and you can take over! (If I am reading the description correctly!)

    This is huge, in my opinion. I even considered buying Remote Desktop last year to help my computer-challenged family members with certain issues. Excellent-- yet totally unexpected-- development. (Strange that they didn't demo this feature during the keynote, though.)

    Oh yeah, Time Machine is cool.

    And this is the other biggie for me. Idiot proof and, in my opinion, truly necessary. Sure, you hope you'll never need it but it's the same with insurance. (And to those whining about the space theme, don't worry. Someone-- either Apple or a 3rd party developer-- will make it so the theme can be changed. Personally, I like it.)

    From this site:

    Closed captioning
    QuickTime currently supports closed captioning by including a text track alongside audio and video content. But improved QuickTime support will automatically display the CEA-608 closed captioning text standard in analog broadcasts in the U.S.


    Anyone think this means support for Closed Captioning in iTunes video downloads? As a hearing-impaired Mac-User, the lack of subtitles/captions in the TV shows is the one thing keeping me from buying a bunch of them. I hope they address this issue soon...

    Good point. I would love that if they ever decided to make TV shows available to those outside the US.

    * Mail: The advancements are welcome. I, also, send emails to myself all the time. Good idea.

    * Spaces: Well, not a huge feature for me. I think Expose does a good enough job.

    * Dashboard: I like the web clip thing.

    * Spotlight: Not much new there for my use.

    * iCal: I never use it but now that the To Do list option is there, I might.

    * Accessibility: I think the new voice is more important than some may think. Having an OS voice that sounds, well, real, might have some interesting applications.

    * 64-bit: Depends on apps, doesn't it?

    * Core Animation: Now, is this something the average Joe can utilize or is it for pros? Looks cool, nonetheless.

    Enhanced iChat: Nifty new features, but here's the deal: Apple needs to look beyond Cupertino and survey the IM landscape that exists outside of the US, because it's huge. Most PC-using kids and twenty-somethings overseas live and breath and depend on two kinds of software, an internet browser and an IM client. Overseas, Yahoo and MS Messenger are all that's used and the features that are provided by those clients are heavily depended upon by the overseas youth culture because they were born and raised on that stuff. If iChat (or any other client) at a minimum can't provide support for Yahoo and MS Messenger protocols with absolute one for one feature parity with PC's, you can forget about selling a Mac (or at least the Mac OS) to these kids, because it's just an absolute deal-killer without IM support that they are used to. The IM culture overseas is just that big, that integrated, and they (along with their IM friends) don't use AOL and they don't use .Mac and they aren't going to. The IM scene overseas and it's dependence on MS Messenger and Yahoo is practically a youth culture in and of itself now and ignoring that is simply bad business for Apple at this point.

    Of all the iChat comments on these 10 pages, this one is the most significant. Apple has to get together with Microsoft and Yahoo! to work this out. I know, like, 3 people who use AOL. and I don't want a 3rd party patch job. (I know some of you swear by Adium but I really like iChat.)

    Finally, it appears that some of these make features included in the .mac service redundant. Specifically, Backup (displaced by Time Machine) and, to a lesser extent, iCards (now challenged by the stationery features in Mail). This is in direct contrast to MWSF '06 where it seemed that .Mac would take on a larger role.


    Aug 11, 03:22 PM
    First, what makes you think the cellusage is similar to internet????? Mind blowing step here.
    Secondly, Europa has 291 million internet users; North america US&Canada 227 milion; Rest of the world 500 million
    Hence europe would be close to 30% of the total market???? What about india??? Japan??? china??? come on you cant say jack *** from this statistics

    China, having bypassed installing a massive landline strucutre, now has enormous GSM network penetration.

    India is also a HUGE GSM market.

    Mar 1, 04:52 PM
    ^^ Well maybe, but the Obama administration doesn't believe that law is constitutional.

    Apr 11, 12:14 PM
    This is bunk. Apple will not miss Christmas. Period, end of discussion.

    If the 5 launches a short while before Christmas, the supply constraints would be 10x worse than they are for the iPad right now.

    The only thing this rumor proves is that bloggers, speculators, and analysts are getting irritated with the lack of solid info compared to this time last year.

    Apr 25, 03:46 PM
    Sued for breaking what law?

    Being sued and breaking the law are two different things. I can sue you for killing the tree between our yards. You didnt break any law, but I can still sue.

    I kinda see where he is a bit right. If I turn off or say no to allowing the apps to use my location this might suggest to the user that it is not tracking and storing this data. I do not think that it is a stretch to make that connection.

    I do agree this is way out of hand though.

    Apr 6, 04:43 AM
    precision editor? there are a million bajillion ways to "precision edit" in FCP that are easy and accurate. Just because there's no "one click" flashy UI to go with it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

    Yes, there are ways in FCP, but they are clunky! It was much easier for my project to do it in iMovie. Naturally, it is not true for every project.
    For example, I can't do Multicam edits in iMovie. FCP has also its advantages, for sure! If FCP could marry with iMovie and make a child, the new FCP, that would be heaven.

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